Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Friends with Boats

Well we've been here almost 7 weeks. These pictures took place during weeks 4 and 5 but whatever.  

We've been checking projects off the list, adding new projects, and checking those off the list, then doing projects that weren't even on the list to begin with and adding them to the list just so we can check them off (it helps keep us motivated).  We've got an awesome dinghy, the outboard has been overhauled, the diesel has been tweaked, the toilet has been fixed, the water tanks flushed and filled, the mast tuned, the sails hanked, and the interior is coming together quite nicely, and while it's feeling a bit more like 'home', we suspect it will be a work in progress for some time.  
In the meantime, we've been meeting some incredible people from all over the world. 

We have a dingy!! Shipped all the way from the good 'ol US of A 
Our friend Mark helping us with the first launch.
The meals are getting better. Although it's still scrambled eggs...
Beer, beer, wine, and some food. This is not recommended for cruising because glass is a bad idea and fridge space will be too valuable to waste on booze, but while you're at the dock - (in my Aunts words) "It's all good!" 
Stocking up. You're supposed to have three months worth of food on your boat so when you run out of money (and you will) you have a roof over your head and enough food to last you till you get a job.
New sheets, it's like a real bedroom! At least twice as big as the truck was :)
Jon and our neighbor Renee hoist me up the mast to check the lights, put up the wind vein, and snap a picture.
Boat improvements.
Nice work Jon! New lights and a second fan.
Our friends David and Mariana in their 28 ft. Morgan, "Planet Caravan"
Our friends Matt and Hillary in their 34 ft. Luders, "Varuna"
Grilling with our sagacious friends Ross and Laurna who have been around the world- 3 or 4 times now?  We think they've lost count but the stories are priceless.  Their boat is to the right, not pictured.
And of course, Jean "Island Boy" Lucas, our right hand man whom we call when the going gets tough.

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